Wednesday, December 24, 2008


TV here is awesome. Because they have cable here at the hotel, it is very similar to TV back home, except that they have this amazing channel from India. I'll call it the India channel. The India channel is amazing because it is almost as surreal and psychedellic as if you'd taken a hit of acid and decided to watch regular TV. Except all of the people on it are Indian. Even the commercials on the India channel are crazy town. One minute someone is sitting at a kitchen table, and the next minute he or she is riding a magic carpet into the kitchen. Or maybe I just imagined that because I was drinking a Pina Colada while watching it? I don't know. All I know is that I can't wait to watch the India channel again tonight.


  1. a trip to crazy town.

    this is funny shit aldahl.

    pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty...

    funny shit.
