Friday, December 26, 2008


For some reason, maybe just in this tourist spot, Belizeans treat drinking like a huge novelty. I mean, I love drinking, but sometimes it feels like I'm in Daytona Beach when they talk about it. The guides on the tours mix up a concoction of rum, plus 3 kinds of fruit juices, and call it "rum punch." They try to pawn it off on you like you're a kid on spring break. The hotel has and even more sickningly sweet version of rum punch that is actually pink.

The hotel also has a drink on the menu called the "panty ripper." I don't know about you, but the only time I'd actually want to have a "panty ripper" is when I'm actually with someone pretty special. I don't exactly want to be drinking a "panty ripper" when I'm out on vacation alone with a bunch of strangers. I may as well be drinking something called "the date-rape drink." Scary, I tell you. Fucking scary.

Aside from that, the usual drinks are all here, and the main beer here is Belikin.

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